54 © The Containment of Underground Nuclear Explosions

re-entered after the test. Such measurements suggest
that the explosion only affects rock strength to a
distance from the shot point to about three cavity

radii (165 (yield) ”).

The second observation, obtained from seismic
measurements of tectonic release, suggests a larger
radius for the volume of rock affected by an
explosion. The seismic signals from underground
nuclear explosions frequently contain signals created by what is called ‘‘tectonic release.”’ By
fracturing the rock, the explosion releases any
preexisting natural stress that was locked within the
rock. The release of the stress is similar to a smail
earthquake. The tectonic release observed in the
seismic recordings of underground explosions from
Rainier Mesa indicate the loss of strength in a
volumeof rock with a minimum radius equal to 500


Although the drill samples and the seismic data
appear to contradict each other, the following
explanation appears to accountfor both: The force of
the explosion creates a cavity and fractures rock out
to the distance of 2 cavity radii from the shot point.
Out to 3 cavity radii, existing cracks are extended
and connected, resulting in a decrease in seismic
shear velocity. Outside 3 cavity radii, no new cracks

form. At this distance, existing cracks are opened
and strength is reduced, but only temporarily. The
open cracks close immediately after the shock wave
passes due to the pressure exerted by the overlying
rock. Because the cracks close and no new cracksare
formed, the rock properties are not changed. Postshot tests of seismic shear velocity and strength are
the same as pre-shot measurements. This is consistent with both the observations of surface fractures
and the slight disturbances seen along bedding
planes at distances greater than 3 cavity radii. The
surface fractures are due to surface spall, which
would indicate that the rock was overloaded by the
shock wave. The disturbances of the bedding planes
wouldindicate that fractures are being opened out to
greater distances than 3 cavity radii. In fact, the

bedding plane disturbancesare seen outto a distance
of 600 (yield) *, whichis consistent with the radius
determined from tectonic release.

The large radius of weak rock derived from
tectonic release measurements represents the transient weakening from the shot. The small radius of

weak rock derived from the post-shot tests represents the volume where the rock properties have
been permanently changed. From the point of view
of the integrity of the tunnel system, it is the smaller
area where the rock properties have been perma-

nently changed (radius = 165 (yield) ”) that should

be considered for containment. Becausetheline-ofsight tunnel is located so that the stemming plug
region and closures are outside the region of
permanently weakened orfractured material, the
closure system is not degraded.

Every nuclear test is designed to be contained and
is reviewed for containment. In each step of the test
procedurethere is built-in redundancy and conservatism. Every attempt is made to keep the chance of
containment failure as remote as possible. This
conservatism and redundancyis essential, however:
because no matter how perfect the process may be,
it operates in an imperfect setting. For each test, the
containmentanalysis is based on samples, estimates,
and models that can only simplify and (at best)
approximate the real complexities of the Earth. As a
result, predictions about containment depend largely
on judgments developed from past expenence. Most
of what is known to cause problems—carbonate
material, water, faults, scarps, clays. etc.—was
learned through experience. To withstand the consequences of a possible surprise, redundancy and
conservatism is a requirement not an extravagance.
Consequently, ail efforts undertaken to ensurea safe
testing program are necessary, and they must continue to be vigorously pursued.
Deciding whether the testing program 1s safe
requires a judgementof howsafe is safe enough. The
subjective nature of this judgernent is illustrated
through the decision-making process of the CEP.
which reviews and assesses the containment of each

test.>9 They evaluate whethera test will be contained

using the categorizations of ‘*high confidence,”
**adequate degree ofconfidence,’’ and ‘some doubt.”’
But, the CEP has no guidelines that attempt to

quantify or describe in probabilistic terms what

constitutes for example, an “‘adequate degree of
confidence.’’ Obviously one can never have 100
percent confidence that a test will not release
radioactive material. Whether ‘‘adequate confi-

39The ContainmentEvaluation Panel is a group of representatives from various laboratories and technical consulting organizauions who evaluate the
proposed containmentpian for each test without regard to cost or other outside considerations (see ch. 2 for a complete discussion).

Select target paragraph3