Adsiral Arleigh A, Burke




5S. Air transportation between Kwajalein or other designated exbariation
point and Mejuro, and return, to transfer three Marshallese (ons
medical practitioner and two interpreters) and to transfer several

members of the medical team to Majuro for the purpose of examining
children which serve as controls for the Rongelap children,

Authorization to all Raval Commanis enroute to provide assistence
and suprort to this team of scientists as needed,


Authorizetion of the Commander of the LST to on-load the steelrooa

and other stored material at FEniwetck and subsequently return thes
if that island is not designated as the principal station of the

Your cooperation in bringing about this biomedical mission will be
deeply appreciated. Moreover, in addition to satisfying the Government's
responsibility for the health of the Marshallese, you will be sessisting
in studies which hzve proven to be of value to the Department of the
Navy and to the Arc in aivancing our unerstanding of the nature of
radiation injury emi the delayed effects of radiation,
Sincerely yours,



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Select target paragraph3