


Admiral Arleigh A. Burke

An LST also has sufficient power supplies of the correct type to
operate the whole body counter and the x-ray equipment.

The shielded steelroom presently is stored at Eniwetok, It can be
on-loaded and secured within three to four days. Thus present operational plans would require that an LST be on Station at Eniwetok
about a week before the planned departure to Rongelap. It would
return to Eniwetok approximately 21 days later and off-load the
If operational considerations warrant, the examination team could board
the LST at any other designated point in this island system and similarly could disembark,
At least two technicians, however, should assist

in the on-loading of the steelroom and tts assoctated delicate electronics
and accompany this equipment while it is on board,

Assistance from the U. §. Navy in the accomplishment of the above mission
would be of immeasurable value.
Accordingly, your approval of the use
of an LST together with the following incidental items is respectfully

Participation in the operation by certain naval personnel, both service

and civilian, Approximately five such naval personnel should accompany
‘the team, but as yet these men are undesignated. At least some of the
five will come from those listed in Schedule A dependent on duties and
commitments as of that time. Your general approval of such detached
duties is respectfully requested.


Transportation via MATS for all other personnel (Schedule A) cf
the team and cargo from Hawaii to Kwajalein or other designated
point of embarkation and return.
In addition to the five t.erwers
of the team listed in paragraph 1 above there are contemplated
sone five scientists and six technicians from the Brookhaven
National Laboratory, and one scientist each from the National
Institutes of Health, the Walter Reed tedical Center, and the
Armed Forces Special Weapons Project.
Five to ceven civilian
ecologist-scientists from the University of “ashington complete
the team.
The total weight of all medical equipment and gear is
estimated at four tons and the volume at 150 cubic feet.


Transportation and berthing of the above medical and ecological
investigators on the trip to and from Rongelap and during the
period of the examination:c and collecting.


Assignment of a Class 2 priority for all MATS transportation

Select target paragraph3