a, It is proposed that agencies and personnel of the
three Services and af the :LtomicEne:”gyCommission be
merged into a f[mctional quadi”ipa~itite
organization. In
order to facilitate coordination, reprcscntativcs of the
AEC and its contractors will be aSs.iLFjned
within tile
principal staff sections alongside members of the Armed
b. It is proposed that all scientific experiments,
both JU%Cand NME, be under the direct supervision of
the AEC!S Scientific Director. Scientific
and technical personnel will
be drcwn from Los Alamos Laboratory,
from the NME and from the following contractors to Los
Alarnos:Bureau of Stal~dard2,Naval Research Laboratory,
Naval Ordnance Laboratory, and Edgerton, Germeshausen
and Grier, The Scientific Task Group will also contain
a Biomedical section dl>awnfrom the Commission Laboratories, from AEC ~ontractors doing work in this field,
and from NNIEmedical agencies.
C. It is proposed ti~atthe Scientific Director be
both a deputy to z.heTask Force Comnranderand the Director of the Scientific Task Group.
d.,The firm of Holmes and Narver, now engaged in constructing semi-permanent facilities at Eniwetok, will
provide routine lmusekeepinG, interzal communications,
and minor technical construction ser’?~cesfor the Scientific Group during the operational phases of the test


problem of’establistmrentof adequate AEC representa-

tion in the field without diluting

ti]efunctional responsibilities

of the senior Laboratory rep~esentative, Dr. Alvin C. Graves, ilas
not been completely resolved.

Oui’current tlhinkingis LO designate a senior officer

from the Division of Military Application as AEC Representative.
This officer would serve in the Nm’rctionalorganization as Deputy
Chief of Staff,

He would, however, be available to consult witl~

Dr. Graves and General Quesada on PEC policy matters, refer POliCY
matters where necessary to the Commission direct, serve as a contracting officer to administer contracts such as Holmes and Harver
and to take

Select target paragraph3