
The Build-Up of BRAVO Fallout on the Ground

The. studies by Suito, Takiyama and Uyeda (Su56) indicated Bikini
Ash consisted of irregularly shaped white granules.

Bikini Ash, taken from the

deck of the 5th Lucky Dragon, deposited while the ship was located about 150 Km
from the detonation site (Ts55).

From the size and shape distributions it was

determined the mean volume diameter of Bikini Ash granules was 320, + 70y


The mean volume diameter was the diameter corresponding to the mean vol-

The mass of one granule was 0.039 mg (Su56).

The specific gravity was

2.4, slightly less than the specific gravity of Caco, (Su56).

The granules were

aggregates of smaller unit particles with shapes that varied from spindles to
cubes (Su56).

The diameters of these unit particles making up the granules var-

ied from 0.1 to 3.0 p (Su56).

It was suggested by Suito that Bikini Ash was

formed by evaporation of the coral reef to its constituent atoms and then by
recrystallization of Ca with H,0 and co, in the air.
The granule size distribution of Bikini Ash influenced the estimate of time over which the bulk of the fallout activity fell on the fishing vessel.

Larger volume granules carried a major portion of the activity which fell

at early times post detonation (La65).

The activity versus granule diameter dis-

tribution in % of total activity as a function of granule diameter was plotted
in Figure 1 for Bikini Ash.

In order to construct this histogram, the activity

of a granule was assumed proportional to the 3.5 power of the radius of the granule as indicated by Lavrenchik (La65).

size class was taken from Suito (Su56).

The number of granules in each granule

Other granule size distributions

(Figs. 3 and 5) were based on the relative positions of the 5th Lucky Dragon,
Rongelap Island, Sifo Island and Utirik Island to the BRAVO explosion site.

Select target paragraph3