urine activity concentration data were used in Eq. 1, urine excretion rates
which were dependent on sex were adopted from data in ICRP Publication 23

Values for the quantities not measured directly and used in Eqs. 1 and 2
were taken from the literature (ICRP59, ICRP68, ICRP69, ICRP74, ICRP79, Ki78).
Cobalt was assumed to be in the form of an organically complexed compound

there fore £ was set at 0.3 (ICRP79).
107" (ICRP79).

The value of f for 23954 was taken as

The longest term rate constant for 1376, was found to be a func-

tion of body mass.

The value of this rate constant was adjusted for a sixty kil-

ogram body mass according to formulas given by Miltenberger (Mi81).

The single

uptake whole~body retention functions given below for adults were based on ICRP
models and were not corrected for radioactive decay.

These functions, which

were used for making an estimate of adult intake, were:

6065: gsse7t Bt ag gent 2810 “1 tyg pgrb 2x10 -2 7t,) |B. Te10 -4 te

137 Cs:


¢ +0.9e -B.3x10°t

65 gn: 0.2he ~3.5x10“t
+0.76e -1.7x107°t
90.Sr: 0.7372"
-3.3x107Ft + 0.10e72°
-2.3x107“t + 0.17e =2.5x10"¢
55_ Fe: |
239 Pu:




-1.9x10>t +0.45e -4.8x107°¢
-0.33t ’
+0.le *

where t was in days.

Select target paragraph3