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~4In view of this, IT am greatly surprised to learn about the apparent
displeasure on the part of the people of Utirik as expressed in
your letter and more recently about your request that Dr. Knudsen
leave your island.
<A possible explanation for this difference in
the feelings for Drs. Conard and Knudsen may be a misunderstanding
on the part of your people as to the role and reasons for these
dectoers to ceme to the islands.
I would like to repeat that it is
my firm conviction that the principal concern of Drs. Conard and
Knudsen is the welfare and well-being of all of the people whom
they visit.
Some misunderstanding could result because of the
cifference between our languages.
Again, I would appeal ta your
leadership and your teachers to impress upon those who had the
misfortune to be exposed to radiation the importance of the medical
Only then can you and I be assured that they will
continue to receive the best medical care and treatment that we
are able to provide.
Together with this letter I am sending you a copy of "A Twenty-Year
Review of Medical Findings in a Marshallese Population Accidentally
Exposed to Radioactive Fallout." This report contains the data
collected during the period from 1954 to 1975 as well as more
cetalled information of the findings in the past five years.
Eindings in this repert are of great importance in that they have
halped the scientist in their understanding of the effects of
Collecting the information in this report has only
been possivle through continued cooperation from you and your people.

Lovwant you to know that this contribution by you aud your people
has helped the well-being of all people in the world.
IT regret dé ‘ply that I cannot attend this meeting.
Instead, I
Willian Burr, my Deputy, to read this letter.
Please convey my very best wishes to the. people of Utirik.
have asked Dr.







> Sincerely 0

+... James’ Li. Liverman, Director .7ul.
. Division of Biomedical ard
ta Te J Mavironmental, Reseasich oy


-. Enelasgures: 0.05. oy
- As stated


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