




Leo M. Krulitz
October-30, 1979
Page Nine



1975. What we are asking you to do is apply a different,
Indeed, the new
more rational form of analysis to them.
dose assessment done by Lawrence Livermore Laboratory and
the risk estimates done by our own independent advisors
simply confirm the essential accuracy of the information
contained in the EIS.
What is required is the preparation of a “record of decision”
In response to the
in accordance with 40 C.F.R. S1505.2.
October 8 request by the people of Enewetak, the earlier
In other words
Enjebi decision shoul~ be reconsidered.
the decisionmaking process which is to be guided by 40
C.F.R. Part 1505 should be commenced and the “alternatives
described in the environmental impact statement” should
Then the decision taken
be considered anew. Id. s1505.l(e).
ch it was reached, including a
and the reasoning by
discussion of alternative courses of action which were
considered, are not to be included in the impact statement
itself, but rather set forth in “a concise public record
Id. S1505.2(a) and (b).
of decision.”
If you would like to discuss this matter, you have only to
Best regards,



Theodore R. Mitchell

xc :



Monroe, DNA
Clusen, DOE
Van Clever OTA
Mills, EPA

Select target paragraph3