
page 2.

Dr. John N. Wolfe


Traces of Co®? are also present.


The only other isotope expected in measurable amounts in fish
muscle would be Fe?.


Sr? has not been found in fish muscle from samples collected
in 1956 or 1957.

Also, while talking to Patt I discussed the next visit to Washington.

Subject to your approval and convenience with your schedule, I shall
plan on being at Germantown on January 14, i5 and 16 and will proceed
with travel arrangements for this schedule unless I hear from you to
the contrary.
The people concerned with the Rongelap program are meeting on

Friday, January 2nd.

After review of the accomplishments of the

program a list of possible papers for presentation at the Montreal
meeting will be promptly submitted for your selection.

Also, a draft of a program for marine biology and oceanography
for the Alaska Harbor Project will be submitted prior to the ACBM
meeting on January 9 and 10.
Best wishes for the New Year.

Sincerely yours,

Allyn H. Seymour
Assistant Director




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