
Page ily Line 5
Page 12, ist

Pace 13, Line 16

Before "Bikini" adc ®ani fron”.

Page 13, line 10
fren dbotton

Delete *0800 H* and substitute *O7O7 NM when the Firing
Party reported sky shine and rapidly rising radiation

veadings outside the Control Building and subsequently —
within the building after 14 hed been elosed up".
Delete "this time” end substitute "about Of0d!",

Page li, line 6

frou bottan

After “devised" adc *, which included early recovery
eof the Firing Party by helicopter".

Sabetitute *fall" for "feel",

Page 20, line 1

Substitute “Lall-out" for *blast*.

Page 22, line &

After "base." add "Boating was slow, wet, rough, and

fron botten

uncomfortable and getting into and ont of boats was

Gangercas,(erticalsrly vhero satisfactory accommodation
ladders and physical assistance in.embariing and debarking were not available."

Page 2), lins 11

Substitate "Falli-out data" for "Knowledce".

fron bottoa

Page 2, line 10

Delete "more than apparent following the tine” and
eubstitaute *available as a result",

Pace 25, line 9

Eliminate "not entirely",

from botton

from bottan

Page 25, iinc 8

froe. Lotten

Page 26

Pace 27, line YY,


Select target paragraph3