
cat, BRYAN H. SMITH, inc

Hud) shell


plating above the Waterline has numerous indents,

vessel at this type and service.


typical of




During conversion to present service all exterior surfaces were sand-blasted (o bare metal and dimet coated prior to painting.
Vessel was drydocked on 4-6 December 1978 at ‘Harbor Boat & Yacht Co. >
San Diego, California al which time the underwater body was found to be in*

Satisfactory condition,


was sand swept and 2-coats of anit-fouling’ paint applied,

.. zines were renewed, All sea valves were opened out for inspection and were
: e placed in gvod-cond tion, The propeller was balanced and polished. During dry-"
Pee et

docking in Febr vary 1977 ‘at San Diego Marine Cons truction Co.,

San Diego,


we "+. California, the shaft was drawn and placed in good condition, stern bearing was’ ;
_. renewed. The shaft'was bumped this drydock period, readings found satisfactory
~ and recarded
The vessel was com nletely refurbished during.conversion in 1975-1976,
providing modern comfortable living spaces. All new galley appliances have
just been installed, a laboratory and quarters for scientific personnel have been
added, all living and accommodation spaces are air conditioned, a steel POOP
deek and aft deck mess arca was installed.




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“As will be noted from the eouipment list the vessel's electronic equipment
is extensive, of excellent quality and mostof it is newincluding” the most
modern nav igalion cauipment available.

The vessel is equipped with a complete set’of manuals and blueprints,
and adequate spare parts for all machinery and vessel equipment.
Dur ing the cur rent yard period a50KW DC generator was’ removed and
“a new Gnan 30 KW ships service unit installed
Te ae
There were no rec ommendations remaining’ upon completion
of survey.
Crew for voyape from San Diego,
Islands via Honolulu,

California to Kwajalein Atoh,. ‘Marshall a
fs ate”

Hawaii commencing on or about 13 December 1978, ; |

“will consist of:
Master (Edward Jones)
“Mate (I. Kucian}


Engineer (Monras Whightman)


Cook (James Warren)

‘Edward Jones is Known by the undersigned to be‘holdex af aUU;S,“Coast”
' Guard Geean Gperator license,:to have an extensive experlends background, -| ‘

‘and to be well qualified as Master of this veésel fox the“proposed Voyage
The other crew members are repo rted by Edward Jones and own

vessel,to be wellexperienced and qualified-in their respective onboardcapacities.
In the opinion of the undersigned the véssel is in satisfactory contitlon:

is adecuately equipped, and is satisfactorily crewed for voyage from San Diego,”
“ Califivcnia ta Ku:ajalein Atoll.

. Due caution for wind, weather and sea conditions to be maintained by the wo

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