Bigler: I'm sorry but it really doesn't make any sense.
Could we just stop
them from going back there because we know that it could be dangerous for their


Well of course you can stop them from going back but let me suggest that

it may be very desirable from the standpoint of the Bikini people~- until there
is a community, until there are houses built on Enyu, to use the houses available
on Bikini and no matter what they eat in that time, let's say even two or three
years, they couldn't get in trouble on Bikini island yet they'd get the use of
those houses that are there.

Dominik: Another thing now, you got those houses on Bikini.
They've got to go
to Enyu to pick up fruits once those trees start bearing and you know it's g.uite
some distance and sometimes really rough.
Is the administration going to provide

It's planned for a lagoon boat, Charles.

I understand what your concern is --- that it doesn't seem like a very good
Situation to put people where they're in houses here and the food is there.
why I'm saying we're not urging people to move into those houses.
We want them
to understand that there is no safety reason, no reason having to do with their
health that they should not use those houses until they have something else

And at the same time you don't discourage them.

That's right, we don't discourage them.


That's not even our decision.

The only thing we want to discourage them from is eating food growing on
But if there can be a way, such as there is right now, where they live
‘in those houses but have to get their food from elsewhere, we see no reascn why
they should not take advantage of the houses that are there.

Fish is a major part of the diet and that's...

All fish they catch from anywhere are alright.

It seems to me that since you are the expert in this area you could probably
encourage them from moving back there at all.

If that be the will of their council.

information we have.


Certainly we'll support it with the

Excuse me, maybe this is not the place to ask this question, maybe you
are not the responsible people.
But what is the status of the money that was
promised them?

I'm sorry I can't

answer that.

That's Interior and I'm not up to date.

I haven't been in Washington for some weeks.


Would you explain in simple layman terms how the line is set for acceptable


What that means?

What that concept is?

Those levels are set in something called the Federal Regulation Guide which

is consistent with an internationsl standard representing the best judgement of

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