Majuro, Marshall Islands


and will be reported at the end of the year.
in the following way:

Now we have results summarized

Houses are safe to live in with the understanding that food comes from other

Places, as is the situation now, and water comes from catchments, not graund
We cannot recommend that additional houses be built on the interior becanse
radiation is too high for permanent resettlement but it is alright to visit.
(Audience restless and whispering among themselves.)
Enyu is entirely safe for housing and agriculture.

No restrictions on Enyu.

All fish and marine life in Bikini lagoon are good to eat.
We plan to, regardless of how Bikini is used, continue to monitor Bikini until
we know more and can make further recommendations or lift the restrictions we
suggest now.


Thank you Distad for news you bring us but it makes us very sad.

Perhaps thru providence we are alive because if we had returned then we would be
dead from radiation.

It was not England, Japan or China who said there was no

It wes America who said there was no poison.
end of the year.

Distad, return us at the

I am a lawyer from Majuro.
I have decided that Bikini is our most
‘important case.
ERDA/AEC says that houses are safe on Bikini.
As your lawyer
I regret to say that we (MLSC) cannot agree with ERDA/AEC on that position.
We have not yet had time to have scientists outside ERDA/AEC to comment on this
Until we have had other scientists look over and comment on the report we cannot
agree with the position of ERDA/AEC.


The technical information is the kind where scientists and technicians may have
different opinions.
MLSC is not alone in the position we are taking.
For example it was reported
in the Press from the Dept. of Interior in the Pacific Daily News August 26,

1975: "The DOI, with primary responsibility of the Trust Territory, of which
Bikini is part, has construtted first phase of resettlement of Bikini.

The Department reported last week that the contingent waiting on kilt to return
should delay returning to Bikini."
We don't want to appear too pessimistic.
After Rueben and I go to Bikini we
will go to Saipan and visit Ted Mitchell who is head of legal services and
confer with him.
Then we will obtain comments on these recommendations from
other scientists,




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