April 11, 1969
To date, no radiological criteria have been provided by AEC/HQ for

the Bikini cleanup operation.

Unofficially, however, the Division

of Operational Safety, AEC/HQ has recommended that criteria be

based on AEC Manual Chapter 5170, Appendix 5170. This chapter
provides for the disposal of surplus property including radioactively contaminated equipment. Based on this chapter, the following guidelines are recommended:


On all islands, every reasonable effort shall be made to reduce
the levels of contamination to the lowest practicable level.


For those materials where removable surface plutonium levels

exceed 500 disintegrations per minute per 100 square centi-

meters, the material should be disposed of as radioactive



For those materials containing induced radioactivity showing

contact readings measurably above local background, the
materials shall be handled as radioactive debris.

The application of the guidelines should be tempered with judgment
and common sense.

Because of the relatively large contribution of external exposure
to the total exposure which will be received by the returning

natives, it is most important to remove to the extent practicable

all radioactive debris to which the natives might have access.

This is particularly important on those islands where the natives

will reside on a full time basis.
On Eneu

and Bikini, a careful ground monitoring radiological

survey will be conducted as each new road or planting swath is
Any radioactive debris found during cleanup will be disposed
of by dumping in one of three designated areas in the lagoon or

outside the lagoon in depths of 25 fathoms or greater. Should
any anomolous "hot spots" be found, the on-site AEC Radiological

Safety Advisor will recommend appropriate action to the Commander.

The specific location of the three designated disposal areas shall
be left to the discretion of the Atoll Commander but must meet the
following criteria:


The minimum distance from the nearest islet will be one mile, —


The minimum water depth will be 25 fathoms.

Select target paragraph3