Cleanup of Bikini Atoll", January 1972 (Enclosure 11).
are reviewing a draft report of the 1972 survey.

Principal investigators

That report will be published

when completed.
For several years, personnel radiation monitoring has been carried out
on workmen and Bikini People on Bikini by a team from Brookhaven National
Laboratory headed by Dr. Conard.

During his 1974 visit, Dr. Conard monitored

the people on Bikini Island and took samples of the environment.
of the 1974 results will also be prepared.

A report

Preliminary information on the

1974 Bikini survey from Dr. Conard indicates the body burdens of cesium-137
for 18 males and 13 females are very low, about 3-4% of the applicable

The addition of coral gravel in the yards of houses appears to

reduce radiation levels in the yards by about 50%.
to continue such surveys.

It is our current plan

Our detailed survey plans will, of course, depend

upon the actions and desires of the returning people.

It is likely that

annual field trips will be made initially with less frequent surveys later
depending on results obtained.

Preliminary data from the latest survey

are essentially in agreement with earlier survey findings.

derived from the 1967 and earlier surveys are still valid.

Exposure estimates


radiological information is reviewed as each field trip is planned.
One change in the atoll has been construction of houses on Bikini

One of the objectives of the 1972 survey effort at Bikini was to

determine the reduction in radiation exposure that can be expected because
of the time people spend indoors.

Table 1 of WASH-1273 presents results of

measurements made outside and inside the Bikini houses in various stages of


Select target paragraph3