-10.What land use is possible between 160 - 400 pCi/gm?


over, OK

Make every effort to meet 160, if a bit


Church will provide soil volumes based on 160 pCi/gm over
half-hectare areas


Comm. suggested that DOE request EPA exemption re ocean
disposal of material in burial pit

"natural" leach rate
initiate engineered release
worth effort economically

permits more efficient use of available
results in a discontinuity of the record?

(remove the burial ground material

> 400 pCi/g)

Templeton requests copy of McCraw memo re EPA position on


Copies of letter from JLL to Johnson re ocean dumping also

ocean dumping

Robison — Noshkin
Address GI absorption values and ranges and resultant dose calculations


Want absorption values from Committee

~ Committee recommends use of revised ICRP values with a footnote


Should Am-241 be a class W for inhalation?


Committee recommends use of class W for inhaled Am-241
Healy - discussion of GI transfer coefficient based primarily on rat data
5 x 107 to bone for Pu
1 x 107> to liver for Pu

0.01% to skeleton for Am (1 x 1074)

0.005% to liver for Am (5 x 1075)

ICRP adopted

5 x 10-4 for trans-Pu

10-4 for sol Pu

10-5 for insol Pu

Discussion and info re 13-atoll survey

Select target paragraph3