
13. During the operational phase of past test operations at
the Eniwetok Proving Ground in the Pacific the AEC has designated
the Commander,


Joint Task Force SEVEN,

the Senior AEC Representa-~

It is our intention to so designate the present Commander,

Joint Task Force SEVEN,

at the appropriate time.

14. The Divisions of Biology and Medicine and Information
Services and the Office of the General Counsel concur in the
recommendation of this paper.


The General Manager recommends that the Atomic Energy

a. Approve conducting Operation HARDTACK, a series
of nuclear tests at the Eniwetok Proving Ground,
commencing on or about April 15, 1958;

b. Apvrove the proposed test program in Appendix "B";

d. Note that the test program as given in Appendix “ign

3contingent shots; prior to the firing of any
of these devices the Commission will be informed of the
decision to fire and the reasons for so proceeding;

£f. Note that the test schedule for Operation HARDTACK
will be given to the Commission as soon as it is firn,

and that the Commission will be kept informed of changes
to the schedule;

g. Note that Department of Defense comments on and
supportofthe test operation will be requested by

letter to the Military Liaison Committee such as that in

Appendix "D";

Select target paragraph3