
plan to fire these safety shots in Nevada during November or

December of 1957.

No significant nuclear, reaction is expected

from the firings and no hazard offsite./


“I request your authority to expend this material
* for the purpose described,
7. The AEC is making every effort to insure that the

fission yield of the series and the offsite fallout 1s held to
the minimum,


‘The Sontribuéton to worldwide fallout from these 23 firings would
be slightly greater than from REDWING, but less than half of
that from


This increase of worldwide contribution

over that of REDWING results from the fact that two of the high
altitude effects shots must be of the standard rather than the

"clean" design, and the fact that at this altitude all of the
fission yield is presumably deposited worldwide, |

5 =

Appendix "E"


Select target paragraph3