
1. On August 2, 1957, I wrote you concerning Operation

the nuclear test series planned for the spring of

1958 at the Eniwetok Proving Ground.

I pointed out that the

then estimated number of nuclear shots for the series was 25,
that it was planned to initiate the series as early as possible
and that this date appeared to be April 1,


My letter also

requested that you note that the AEC and DOD were proceeding
with preparations for the series,

On August 9 you discussed

the matter of HARDTACK with me and approved starting the series
as early as possible, directing that the number of nuclear shots
be held to the minimum necessary for attaining the essential
defense objectives,

2. Pursuant to your approval we have gone forward with
preparations for the series.

It is apparent now that, if the

necessary scientific objectives are to be realized in the short-

est test period and at least cost, the first shot should be
fired on or about April 15,

The remaining shots would follow

as quickly thereafter as devices could be emplaced and desired
weather conditions occur,
3. The AEC and the DOD have reviewed individually and

collectively our planned firings with the objectives of reducing
the number of the minimum consistent with fulfilling essential
defense objectives,


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dition, the DOD must conduct five weapons effects tests, 7
23 4

Appendix "E"


Select target paragraph3