ments can be determined (for example, ref. 20). Eventually, it is anticipated that the logistically difficult in situ
approach will be completely superseded by direct measure-

ments of radiation incident on representative individuals

in their daily rounds.
Wethank our colleague, H. L. Beck, as well as several
Health and Safety Laboratory summerstudents, including
J. Grebowsky, H. Grotch and I. Hammerman, for their

assistance with the outdoor survey.

A. Spiegal carried

out the indoor measuremonts. Many helpful discussions
have been held with Dr. A. Segall of the Harvard School
of Public Health, who co-ordinated the various parts of
the New England survey and who kindly supplied the
dosimeter results.

We also thank J. E. McLaughlin,

director, Radiation Physics Division, Health and Safety
Laboratory, for his advice and support.
1 Segall, A., Setence, 140, 1337 (1963). 2 Lowder, W. M., Segall. A., and Condon, W. J., in The Natural Radiation
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Rep. (to be published, 1965),
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12 Lowder, W. M., Beck, H. L., and Condon, W. J., Nature, 202. 745 (1964).
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1 Henson, P. W., Phys. Med. Biol., 8, 423 (19638).
*2 McLaughlin, W. L., J. Phofogr. Sci. {to be published, 1065).
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2! Blase, Ek. F., Logerquist, BR. F., Palmer, 8. C., and Rutland, PD. F., Health
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** Cullen, T. L. (personal communication, 1964).





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