APRIL 6, 1973

In the past month the quantities of each category of samples have been
more closely counted.

The attached bar graph shows the most accurate

count now available in parenthesis below the category name.

The greatest

change in count was that of the soil samples revised from 2,000 last month
to 2,900 this month.

This increase in the base number has biased the

apparent growth of the bar graph which is expressed in percentage.


the numerical increase was significant, e.g., the number of samples
prepared increased from 1,050 last month to 1,602 this month.
also be pointed out that there were in
in the field survey.

It should

excess of 3,380 soil samples taken

An examination of priorities and the need to

analyze all of them is now underway, but it is presently anticipatedethat
only 2,900 will need to be analyzed.
Virtually all of the wet chemistry analyses to date have been done by the
Air Force's McClellan Laboratory.

The quality of this work has been

outstanding and their sustained high rate of production is extremely
important to the analysis program.

The contract negotiations for LFE

Environmental Analysis Laboratory and Eberline Instrument Company have
just been completed and it is expected that after cross calibration with

Select target paragraph3