ae FF3/7.3/32.ME intensity in the engineering space. where this condenser was located was only about 2 milliroentgens per hour, As more shots are fired it is possible that higher salt water system intensities will ‘be recorded, bit at the present time it is considered that such will not prevent: Task Group 7.3 from rendering the necessary support to the Scientific Task Group, although it my result in the requirement that ships remain at sea a considerable portion of the time. Lg , 7e As a result of the radioactive fallouton nearly all ships, the necessary decontamination measures following, and the radiation received by helicopter and. boat pool support, of the Scientific Task Group, a large proportion of the personnel of Task Group 7.3 have beenexposed to radiation in varying degrees, Enclosure (3) is a nearly complete and reasonably accurate tabulation of accumilated radiological exposures of personnel of Task Group 7.3 by ships and units, (Reason- able estimates have been made in many cases since it has not been possible to provide all personnel with film badges;.more informationis gradusity being made available as the over-worked laboratory personnel and facilities develop additional. film badges.) It will bé noted that the following approximate numbers and per centages of Task Group 7.3 personnel havereceived dosages to date in the ranges indicated: me 7 ' - Exposure in’ Roent gens - O- 999 1 - 1.999 2 + 2.999 3 4~ 5 6 - 3.999 4.999 5.999 6.999 . 7 - 7.8 : Over 7.8 . Approx. number TG . 7.3 personnel : with exposure - 3936s 21100". °. . “UA, 8. ZT Toe 325. 3 Te Bo. BALLS Approx percentage of TG 7.3 personnelwith exposure ne - 6909 © W965 5.8. ; 2.6 1.5 0.5 | 0.12 0.05 © 0.05 . . a . oo ne Ta “. . . 5 ; is The film badges of three (3) men of an-LCM.crew (those listed in the "over 7.8" column in Enclosure (3)) indicated a dosage of approximtely 90R* Thorough -.. investigation has failed to reveal how these three men could have received this _ much radiations: however, they have been transferred to Naval Station, Kwajalein for observation, and treatment if found necessary, by Atomic Medicine Specialists, Personnel of the PHILIP and BAIROKO have received greater exposures, in general, than other personnel. For this reason, it is planned that for all future shots of this operation,PHILIP ,411 be employed at a location other than near the shot atoll, This will not be practicable in the case of BAIROKO, but steps will be taken to station BAIROKO, insofar as possible, in locations where the probability of receiving additional significant fallout is reduced,