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program at Enewetak has reached the point where we need
to begin preparing the final post cleanup dose assessment
for the returning people.
At tne November-December 1976
meeting on Enewetak Atoll, it was clear that additional
data on radioactivity in soils will be needed tefore we
can advise DOI on the coconut planting issue, and before
a meaningful reassessment of the radiation dose should
there be a resettlement of Enjebi.
These data can only

be obtained through a program of soil sampling and analysis.
The Nevada office and LLL have made a proposal to us

(enclosed) for collection and analysis of the required

soil samples.
The proposed schedule would permit us to
meet the commitment to have an Enjebi dose assessment in
time for discuscion with the people during the forthcoming’
on-atoll meeting in May 1979.

As you will note, the enclosed TWX stresses the need for

DNA support of this soil sampling effort.
I realize that
a reallocation of some DCD resources to assist with this
DOE task will be needed and understand that there is a




Select target paragraph3