(Le Sainnapmagy onstbing ot Dar.)

Our survey has been planned and executed with emphasis on thoroughness
and accuracy.

Because of the AEC's unique experience in such matters,

we feel it is scientifically sound and will stand on its own in any
forum, including the courtroom.

We feel it is of the utmost importance

that prejudgements of survey results not be made in any public forum
prior to the Commission's decisions and recommendations regarding
radiological conditions and their impact on people.

This precaution

is necessary to maintain the integrity of the survey and of the related
assessment of radiological impact.
Any appraisal of the physical condition of the atoll must consider the
total radiological dose which may be received by prospective inhabitants.
The AEC's radiological survey has collected data to determine as closely
as possible the distribution of radioactive isotopes throughout the
atoll and in the various elements of the food chain.

The radioactivity

from these isotopes produce a radiological dose to man via two paths-external and internal.

The external dose is derived from radiation to

man from his surrounding environment.

The internal dose comes from

those isotopes which are taken up by man and produce ionizing radiation

inside the body.

The food chain is the major vehicle by which this

radioactivity is taken up by man except that there is considerable
uncertainty regarding resuspension of plutonium.
the sum of the internal and external doses.

The total dose is

It is our intention to

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