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food and an excellent harbour:for ships when

trading and leading exports.

An atoll

generally consists of many islands that can be used for various purposes.



medical patients are afforded a safe evacuation in the sheltered waters of the

- Killi is a single island surrounded by treacherous waves.

This accounts for

very poor fishing and hazardous treding situations much of the year.

The canoes of

these people are in a constant battle with the ocean, and occasionally the ocean

wins. (A few wonths ago when the sea.vas "calm", one Lisherwan tried his luck « the
outcome was a broken canoe end no fish.

During the months Lecember to March no one

canoe fishing; one look at the oceau and the reason is clear.

During these

months the people must buy their food from the ficld trip ships.
Tne frequency and efficiency of the field trip ships secns incredibly bud to
those of us who have come from a country with ae highly organized transportation

However, I will discuss them here only as they relate to the Killi


Generally, these ships come every 3 or h wonths.

The last ship stayed

16 hours, but because of the waves it was unable to do any trading.

It departed with

the promise that it would return when finished with its other stops.
return, but it was now very poorly supplied.

supplies that were needed.

The ship did

‘The people could not buy all the

One rajor item, kerosene was unavailable; and this was

the second ship which had come to Killi‘with no kerosene.
been able to buy kerosene for more than 6 months.

Thus these people had not

However, most important the food

supplies were inadequate; thus, during the most difficuit months for fishing, the
supply of canned food was inadequate.
A lagoon is surrounded by many islands; Bikini is en atoll surrounding a Iagoon.
The Marshallese generelly use their land area on an atoll in this way; one or more
of the largex islands are used for living area, others are used to provide coconuts,

as sanctuaries for birds and turtles, and as natural "pens" for livestock, mainly
pigs and chickens.

Killi as a single island offers no such resources.


generally avoid inhadited islands, and the Killi men only .rarely are able to catch

On Killi, the pigs live right in the village with the people, as do the


I think you can easily see the superiority of an atoll to sn island as


Bag tg

suited to the }Marshallese way of life.

What advantages does Killi provide?

It is

described as a "lush" southern island, and there is no question that Killi gets a
good deal more rain than Bikini does.

The major Xi1)4 handicraft product 46 a straw


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