He would probably spend the greater part of his time at nearby Ebeye

where a large number of Rongelap and Utirik people reside.

Visits to Other Islands:

He would make periodic visits to other islands

taking advantage of the routine Trust Territory field trips to Bikini,
Rongelap and Utirik.
He would ordinarily spend about two days at each

island (the usual time that the field trip ship is at that island), but
every few months perhaps by arrangement with the Trust Territory, he
could be left at Rongelap or Utirik for several additional days to be
picked up by the ship on its return.
Travel to and from Majuro will be
less difficult since in addition to ships there are two planes a week.

Thus staying at Majuro for three to four days every two to three months
would be easy to arrange.
Liaison with Trust Territory Medical Personnel:

He should keep in close

touch by radio with Rongelap and Utirik with frequent talks with the

health aides located there and at Majuro with the medical personnel there.
He would work closely with the practitioner at Ebeye. He would keep tab
on the Rongelap exposed people residing at Hawaii. He should consult with

physicians at Kwajalein, Majuro and in other parts of the Trust Territory
and, if necessary, at Hawaii concerning any serious cases and maintain

liaison with the Trust Territory officials at Majuro, Kwajalein and Ebeye.
Also at Kwajalein he will maintain liaison with the commanding officer
and Global Associate officials.
Emergency Trips:

If a medical emergency occurs on an outer island among

the people under study, he should keep in close touch with the Trust
Territory about evacuation and see the patient at the site of arrival.

It may be necessary that he visit the island to see the patient.
If a
death occurs, he should attempt to get to the island to determine the
cause of death before burial and, if possible, carry out an autopsy.
Use of one of the amphibious planes based at Majuro may be necessary.

Approval by Government Agencies: Approval of these plans by the AEC in
Washington and the Trust Territory officials at Saipan and Majuro will,
of course, be necessary. In addition, the AEC would have to negotiate
with the Army for housing and residence of the physician at Kwajalein.
Affiliation with BNL: The most desirable arrangement would be for the
physician to be a member of our Medical Department on leave of absence

but maintaining close liaison with us here with regard to the Marshallese
It would be desirable that he be favorably disposed to Longrange affiliation with the project after his return to BNL.

Fiscal Arrangements: As
BNL would handie salary
expenses in the islands
(Honolulu branch) using


a member of the Medical Department, I would expect
and movement of his family to Kwajalein. Travel
could probably best be handled by AEC Las Vegas
the budget allocated for the survey expenses in the

Select target paragraph3