7 Apr 89




DP submits a report to Congress, as required by P.L. 100§371, that outlines
DOE's health and environmental programs for 1989-1991.
e programs will
continue at their current level until 1991. In FY 1991 the mefgical program will
function atits current level until it can be integrated into the Marshall Islands health
care program; the environmental studies will be concluded and

fo additional field

work will be conducted; and the radiological safety program will be continued only
at a level of basic capability.*”
12 Apr 89

P&D Technologies issues to the Rongelap Atoll loc | government a
recommended phase 2 work plan for a comprehensive and inde endent radiation
study of the Rongelap Atoll as set forth in P.L. 99-239 and the
FA. The report
addresses unresolved health, radiation, and habitability issues rai
by the Rongelap
people, such as uncertainty about their health; lack of informatidn

about radiation

levels throughout the atoll; the issue of plutonium in their bodieg; conflicting U.S.

policies about food; uncertainty about the habitability of Rongflap for children;

confusion about the mapin the 1982 DOEradiation report; the
DCE use of averages
in its reports and studies; confusion about radiation dose guidelinef; and uncertainty
about the future economy of Rongelap. It sets forth a work plaq focusing on the
preparation of personal medical record files; a baseline health surfey; a radiological
survey; a bioassay sampling, monitoring,
and diet survey; d
assessment; an

economic and environmental study, sociological/cultural support;

ahd recommended

the DOE data with the DOE assistance and involvement but
direction of the study completely independent of the DOE.°”

With control and

decontamination and resettlement strategies. The plan calls for ac

to and use of

1 May 89

According to David L. Wheeler, senior health physicist at
, the DOE uses
the standards developed during the Enewetak cleanup for transuran cleanup. This
criteria, the removal of soil with contamination in excess of 400pCi/B, was developed
during the Enewetak cleanup because no authoritative criteria existeq. Consequently,
states Wheeler, there is no reason for the Rongelapese not to retugn to their island

because the Rongelap Island contamination levels do not exceed EPA guidelines.*”

2 May 89

After testimony that raises questions about the habitability of Rongelap, House
Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Morris Udall, Su
ittee on Insular
and International Affairs Chairman Ronald de Lugo, and Rep. Georgd Miller introduce
House Con. Res. 90 calling for a comprehensive surveyof radiation nd othereffects
on Rongelap. The subcommittee plans to examine closely the DOE[1989 report and
other material pertaining to the Rongelap situation.”

Select target paragraph3