Anant R. Moorthy, Carl J. Schopfer, and Sujit Banerjee
"Plutonium from Atmospheric Weapons Testing: Fission Track
Samples." This article concerns a more accurate technique for mefsuring plutonium
in urine and describes the analyses of Marshallese urine samples fdr plutonium levels
that began at BNL in 1983. Whenanalyzed with the 1983 methog, Photon Electron
Rejection Alpha Liquid Scintillation Counting, the samples appeared
to contain higher
rates of plutonium than when analyzed with the more accurate 9986 fission track
analysis. According to BNL, earlier high plutonium results frpm urinalyses of
Marshallese resulted
also from contamination during collection] With the new
method BNL expects to satisfy islanders’ plutonium concerns.*”

7 Jan 88


The LLNL recommends potassium treatment of the soil
in the northern Marshall Islands.**

cesium '7

r the uptake of

The DOE/NV and the DOI sign an amendment number one to a

memorandum of agreementfor the establishment of a base camp af BikiniAtoll. This

amendment revises the scope of work for the Bikini Atoll Resettlement Project to

allow DOE to hire an independent scientific consultant to revigw
the work and
provides the DOI with strengthened oversight and accountability fér the funds.*”

12 Jan 88


The office of emergency response and program analysisis

of a NV reorganization.

Harry Brown, Marshall Islands progfam manager, is

designated deputy project manager of that office. This move nec@ssitates a review
of NV’s management responsibility of the DOE’s Marshall Islands grograms. Brown
retains his position as Marshall Islands program manager overseeing the BNL and the
LLNL efforts. He is also designated the principal contact point for pplicy matters with
the headquarters program office, other federal agencies, and the
RMI government.
The PASO is to participate more actively in policy making.”
Representatives of the DOE and the 177 Health Plan sign almemorandum of
agreement that describes the various medical responsibilities of e&ch organization,

including the individuals eligible for each program; the coordingtion of medical
referrals; and the exchange of medical information.

26 jan 88


Sens. James A. McClure and Bennett Johnston write to Pregident Ronald W.
Reagan to express concern over the Bikini Atoll cleanup and resett—ement. To fulfill
the U.S. commitment, McClure and Johnston urge that the Pregdent "seize this
opportunity and work closely with the Bikinians on developing a plan, as anticipated

under the 1985 settlement, to meet our government's commitmenf
ongoing or potential litigation."“

and to resolve

Select target paragraph3