1 Aug 46


President Harry S. Truman signs the Atomic Energy Act a

Energy Commission (AEC).°
1 Jan 47


The Manhattan Engineer District, responsible for developingithe atomic bomb,
transfers atomic energy work to the AEC.

2 Apr 47


The United Nations (UN) Security Council designates the]United States as
administering authority of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (1T.), including the

Marshall Islands. Article 5 entitles the United States to establish nbval, military, and

air bases and to erect fortifications in theterritory. Article 6 obliges|the United States


Promote the economic advancement and self-sufficiendy
of the
inhabitants ... regulate the use of natural resources; encqurage the
development of fisheries, agriculture, and industries; pfotect the

inhabitants against the loss of their lands and resourceg
protect the health of the inhabitants...

... [and]

Article 13 recognizes the authority of the administrator to close areas for security
18 Jul 47


President Truman approves the Territory of the Pacific Islands trusteeship
agreement between the United States and the UN Security Counfil and delegates
administration of the Pacific Trust Territory to the Navy on an integim basis."

Aug 47



An official investigating board recommends removal of tha Bikini Islanders
from Rongerik because of insufficient food and water."
20 Nov 47

AEC Chairman David E. Lilienthal informs President Trumarg that the use of
Enewetak for nuclear testing will require the evacuation of 145 natives. According to
Lilienthal, to meet U.S. obligations under the Trusteeship Agre@ment, the U.S.

governmentwill accord normalconstitutional rights of citizens to the Enewetakese but
will treat them as U.S. wards; will keep displacement to the mininjum required for
their safety; will resettle the Enewetakese according to agreements reached with them;

and will provide adequately for their well-being in their new localions.
States that the AEC and the Secretary of Defense will apprise the


State Department

that during weapontesting at Enewetak the U.S. will not subject T.}. inhabitants "to
erceptibly greater danger than, say, the people of the United Statgs.""

Select target paragraph3