30 Nov 84


To date, DP and the PE technical people cannot agree on
vphich DOElevelof
radiation is an acceptable risk in regard to the resettlement of Enbu.“*

10 Dec 84



Prepared by PE for DOE Secretary Donald Hodel, a draft reponse to the DOI
inquiry on the resettlement of Eneu Island states that the
E is moving to
implement the new ICRP and NCRP recommendations. Accorfing to the ICRP,
exposures that continue year after year for a lifetime should not ¢xceed an average
of 100 mrem a year for the highest individual in any age
DOEcan give
no assurance thatthe resettlement of Eneu Island would be within these limitations.“
13 Dec 84


The office of Micronesian status negotiations (OMSN) m

the COFA with representatives from the Department of Justice (

DOI, and the Departmentof State. Because of pending litigation

of the main issues discussed is the feeling of the DO} and OMSI

on the status of
}), DOD, DOE,

and legislation, one

that any agency

responding to anyone on matters of COFA should clear the resp@nse through DO}

attorneys and OMSN officials.**
14 Dec 84


Roger Ray, deputy director for DOE Pacific Operations finforms the high

commissionerof the T.T. of the results of the LLNL pyrolytic cocorut processing unit
experiments. An additional $30,000 may be available for further

arch, and Ray

suggests that the additional funding be made available through thq Marshall Islands’
memorandum of understanding with PASO.“


in mid-1985 the DOE and the DOI issue a memorandum of understanding to
pool their efforts and work jointly on the scientific programs at Bikini Atoll.“°”
NV determines that radiological follow-up of the exposed
Rangelapese will not
be continued after their relocation but that BNL medical examinatiogs will continue.“*

3 Jan 85

Ray disagrees with McCraw on Eneu resettlement. McCra contends that an
unexplained difference in the LLNL doses estimated for Rongelap Bikini, and Eneu
islands should be resolved before the DOE gives any more advice DOI. Ray states
that because current data from Eneu are being used to assess radi ogical safety, the
consideration of resettlement should not be delayed.*”

Select target paragraph3