Jul 71



The NV and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) represergatives participate

with personnel of the Air Force Pacific Cratering Experiment (PACE) program in a

preliminary site selection visit to Enewetak. They identify Runit Islagd as a significant
and potentially serious rad-hazard area after finding there the high¢@st
of gamma, plutonium, and scrap metal of all locations surveyed.

22 Jul 71

Maj. Gen. E. B. Giller, assistant general managerfor military Application of the
AEC, directs Robert E. Miller, NV manager, not to use weapon program funds for.
Bikini and Enewetak radiological surveys and cleanup activities.”

FY 1972 - FY 1982
The Pacific Area Support Office (PASO) reports that durin

this decade its

activities in the Marshall Islands included ship support; providing DDE representation

on sensitive missions; administration of the University of Hawaii corftract; and general

and logistical support for the biomedical and environmental programs.”
25 Jan 72


In response to ejection from the T.T. of a Japanese medical team which he

had invited to the Marshall Islands, Micronesian Representative Atajf Balos speaks out

in the Congress of Micronesia charging that the U.S. knowingly exposed the natives
of Rongelap and Utirik to the 1954 fallout so the U.S. could [develop medical
capabilities to treat people who might be exposed to radiation dbring a war. He
alleges that the Marshallese were

chosen because they

are remofe brown-skinned

natives and that they have been receiving questionable medical freatment, aimed

more at collecting medical data than at restoring the health of the people.


introducesa bill calling for the establishment of a special congressiqnal committee to
look into the plight of these people.”
Mar 1972


Accusing the BNL medical team of deception and of using them as guinea
pies, the Rongelapese boycott the BNL medical services, according P an investigation
y Dr. Henry Kohn. Thus, the medical survey team led by Conard unable to carry
out its annual examination of the Marshallese.

16 Mar 72

Tommy McCraw, Martin Biles, Roger Ray, and represergatives from the

Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) meet with Ambassador Franklin Williams, the
President’s representative for Micronesian status negotiations, and hs staff to discuss
the rehabilitation of Enewetak Atoll. Williams states that he would]like to announce
at the 2 April session of the Micronesian status negotiations that

Fnewetak Atoll is

being returned toits former residents. The ambassadoris worried alout confrontation
with the Enewetak people. AEC representatives discuss the differe§ces between the

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