DRAFT i MARSHALL ISLANDS CHRONOLOGY INTRODUCTION This draft chronology presents the historical record of eveng relating to the Department of Energy/Energy Research and Development Admigistration/Atomic Energy Commission (DOE/ERDA/AEC) medical, environmental, and rpdiological safety activities in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to 1990. Among the milestones included are agreements between the Marshallese and the United States, garticularly those involving the DOE and its predecessors; relocation and resettlement efforts; legal responsibilities assumed by the AEC, the ERDA, and the DOE; admihistration of U.S. governmentactivities in the islands; medical findings; environmentalBtudies; radiation safety criteria applied in the Marshalls and in the U.S.; and U.SI activities in the region. nuclear testing In order to facilitate use of the chronology by those interest#d in a particular aspect of developments in the Marshall Islands, we have assigned qach entry one or more topical headings from the following list: ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT CLAIMS CONGRESSIONAL RELATIONSHIP CONTRACTOR LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY MEDICAL POLICY PLUTONIUM RADIATION RELOCATION WEAPON TESTING By selecting only those entries under a specific heading, one{can follow more directly the story of any area of particular interest, such as the DOE medical program, governmentpolicy, or legal responsibility. In developing this chronology, History Associates searched ]l) records in the DOE Archives in Germantown,including the AEC Secretariatfiles, ision of Biology and Medicinefiles, the Joe Deal and Tommy McCraw collections, aswell as a number of other collections; 2) records held by Environment, Safety, and Health (EH), including the files turned over by John Rudolph (DP) and by Management (AD); 3) files from the Nevada Operations Office made available to us byJHarry Brown; 4) Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (JCAE) records at the Nationalf Archives; 5) the document collection at the Coordination and Information Centar in Las Vegas, Nevada; 5) U.S. Statutes at Large, and 6) Executive Orders of thé President. The