

He recommends analyses of various substances, indludipg plutonium, by

11 Mar 54



The AFSWPchief, with the concurrence of the JTF-7 comm der, adds to the
weapons effect program of Operation Castle project 4.1, "Stu of Response of
HumanBeings Exposed to Signiticant Beta and Gamma Radiation dife to Fall-out from
High Yield Weapons,” a study,of the Marshallese exposed to falloug. The command
designates Commander E. P. Cronkite of the U.S. Navy as project officer.”
12 Mar 54

As part of the fallout collection for Castle JTF-7 radiological survey
parties send water and soil samples from 12 Marshall Islands atollq to the AEC New

York operations office (NYOO) for analysis.”
15 Mar 54



Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (CAE) members Sen.Jolin O. Pastore (D-

Rhode Island) and Rep. Chet Holifield (D-California) visit evacuees al Kwajalein Island

and hold hearings on the radiation exposure from the Castle [Bravo operation.
Pastore and Holifield report that “some of the residents of the] Islands received
radiation exposures considerably in excess of the tolerances set for

Workers in atomic

energy plants" but that, to date, scientific and medical testimony “geems to indicate

that no permanentinjury will occur" as a result of the excess expabure.”
A military report shortly after the detonation suggests that the Rongelap
children’s white blood cell counts are lower than those of adults ash result of Castle
Bravo. In testing urine of the affected Marshall Islanders, an uni
LASL) scientist states, "This plutonium number you cannot depend ppn.
Gen. Clarkson decides that the remainder of the Castle defonations will be
restricted to limited weather conditions under which it will be saf@ to fire because
Bravo showed what Ivy Mike did not: that high-yield detonatfons can release
radioactivity with potential health hazards hundreds of miles away ffom ground zero.
Clarkson vows to "take every precaution to avoid danger during the course of future
operations to other populated areas of the Pacific." Because of [Castle Bravo he
extends the danger area.”
Mid-Mar 54


Upon determination of excessive radioactive fallout in
CBhstle Bravo, the
commander of JTF-7 requests assistance of the Department of Deffnse (DOD) and
the AEC and asks for a medical team and a medical study of exposgres. The Armed
Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP) of the DOD and the

AEC/DBM share

responsibility for the organization of the initial medical team, whith is formed by
"experienced" personnel from the Naval Medical Research Institute](NMRI) and the
Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory (NRDL) and directed by Eugene P. Cronkite,
M.D., head, hematology division, NMRI, Bethesda, Maryland.’

Select target paragraph3