roentgens in 58 hours; 154 Utirik residents, 17 roentgens in 78 holirs; and 401 Ailuk

inhabitants, not evacuated, less than 20 roentgens total doses forjtheir lifetimes.”
- An Armed Forces Institute of Pathology study estimates poift source doses at
"260 r." for the Rongelapese and "20 r." for the Utirik group.™
Later studies by the AEC/DBM estimate that some Rongdlapese may have
received a whole-body gamma dose of 175 roentgens; that 20 perdent incurred deep
lesions; 70 percent, superficial lesions; and 10 percent, no lesipns; and that 55

percent lost some hair, which regrew later.*

According to later estimates, the thyroid glands of young Marshallese children
_absorb approximately eleven microcuries of iodine’*’ and from 70§ to 1400 rads.*
2 Mar 54


After the task force radsafe officer measures 0.200 R/hrjat 500 feet in a

morning flyover at Rongerik, the radsafe officer evacuates 28 U.S.

Weather personnel

from that atoll. An afternoon flight over the populated Marshalls

@xtrapolates 1.350

R/hr at ground level at Rongelap; 0.400 R/hr at Ailinginae, 0.00] R/hr at Wotho,
0.240 R/hr at Utirik, and 0.076 R/hr at Ailuk. The flight over the Unpopulated atolls
calculates ground contamination as 0.600 R/hr at Bikar Island and TaongiIsland at
0.014 R/hr. Task force officials then decide to evacuate Rongelag, Ailinginae, and
Utirik Islands. They send the destroyer USS Philip 43 nautical
mgles southwest of
Eneu Island, to evacuate Rongelap and Ailinginae the following momiing and the USS
Renshaw, 13 nautical miles north of Eneu Island, to evacuate Ufrik on 4 March.

Meanwhile radsafe monitors flown to Rongelap measure 1.400
quarters of Rongelap Island.”
3 Mar 54

H/hr in the living



The U.S. Navy DDE Philip evacuates 64 inhabitants froj.

Rongelap and

eighteen Rongelapese from Ailinginae and takes them to Kwajaleirg™


JTF-7 radsafe monitors measure 0.160 R/hr on the ground at Utirik Island.”

4 Mar 54
The DDE Renshaw evacuates 154 Utirik inhabitants to Kwalalein. The JTF-7

reports "comparatively low radiological exposure of this group." Medkal examinations
at Kwajalein of the Utirik people reveal no sickness but find a loss
appetite among

some small children, a condition physicians attribute to diet change.”
5 Mar 54


Gen. Clarkson confers on relocation and medical conditions of the Marshallese

with Rear Adm. Clarke, commander, Naval Station, Kwajalein;

Brig. Gen. Estes,

commander, Task Group 7.4; Dr. Thomas White, health division, Los AlamosScientific
Laboratory (LASL); CommanderL. H. Alford, USS Renshaw, memberslof Clarke'sstaff;

and local representatives of the T.T.*’

Select target paragraph3