491. "Memorandum of Agreement Between the Field Command,|Defense Nuclear
Agency and the Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office for Monitoring the
Cactus Crater Storage Structure,” 18 Jul 86, Brown, Runit, NV. [H3B]


Harry U. Brown to John E. Rudolph, 12 Sep 86, Brown [Marshall Islands

Planning FY 1986-1987 Program/Policy Guidance, NV. ([H35] and Harry U. Brown to
William L. Robinson, 20 Oct 86, Brown, Marshall Islands Planniag FY 1986-1987

Program/Policy Guidance, NV. [H36]; "Agreement between the
ernment of the
United States and the Governmentof the Marshall Islands Regardingithe Resettlement

of Enjebi Island," 21 Jul 86, Compilation. [D114]

493. "Agreement between the Government of the United [States and the
Government of the Marshall tslands Regarding Use of Certain Landg on Ejit Island by
Persons Displaced as a Result of the United States Nuclear Testink Program in the
Marshall Islands,” 21 Jul 86, Compilation, [D115]

494. "Agreement Concerning Procedures for the Implementationfof United States
Economic Assistance Programs and Services Provided in the Qompact of Free
Association between the Governmentof the United States and the Governmentofthe
Marshall Islands," 21 Jul 86, Compilation. (D116]


H&N, Conceptual Design Report: Bikini Atoll Eneu Base Facifities prepared for

USDOI/USDOE and the Bikini People, Jan 87, DOE, Rudolph’s fileq,
Islands 1987, EH. {D43]


D-file, Marshall

W. D.Jackson to J. H. Dryden, 3 Oct 86, Brown, BNL Medidal 87, NV. [H82]

"Briefing/Discussions with RMI," 5 Sep 86, Rudolph’s files] D-file, Marshall
Islands 1986, EH. [D38]
Edward T. Lessard, "Review of Marshall Islands Fallout Studies," 30 Sep 86,
Brown, Rongelap File 5, NV. [H33]

William L. Robison, Marshall Island Dose Assessment ard Environmental

Program FY 1987-1988-1989, Rudolph’sfiles, Box, Marshall Islands Hrogram Plan, EH.



"Agreement for Implementation of the Compact of Free Asspciation between

the Government of the United States and the Government of th Republic of the
Marshall Islands, 10 Oct 86, Compilation. [D117]


Congressional Record-House, Rudolph’sfiles, D-file, Marshall Islands 1986, EH.


"Proclamation 5564 of November 3, 1986," Compilation. [Djt 10]


Harry U. Brown to T. R. Clark and D. T. Schueler, 18 Nov 84, Rudolph’sfiles,
D-file, Marshall Islands 1986, EH. (D40]


5S. Con. Res. 171, 99th Congress, 2nd Session,

Statutes at Large, Vol. 100, Part 5; 3762-3705. [G71]

Compilation [D118]; U.S.

Select target paragraph3