


AEC 604/68, 17 Sep 62, enclosing Anthony J. Celebrezze tofChet Holifield and

Melvin Price, 17 Aug 62, Secretariat, Box 1360, Folder MH&S 3,
326, DOE Archives. [B9]

iation, Vol. 5, RG

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ms,” 19 Jan 83,

pp. 1-2, 14, Harry Brown files (hereafter Brown), MI General, NV¥ [H9]

154. Robert Conard and Arobati Hicking, "A Preliminary Statement Concerning the
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re to Fallout
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DOE Archives. [B12]

U.S., Statutes at Large, Vol. 78: 243. [B13]


UU. S., Statutes at Large, Vol. 78: 601-602. [B14]


Charles L. Dunham to John T. Conway, 19 Oct


Robert Conard, "Preliminary Statement of Medical Findings inj the 1965 Survey

Correspondence, Box 712, Bikini Atoll, RG 128, NARA. [B15}



of the Rongelap People (11 Years After Exposure to Fallout Radidtion)," 1 Jun 65,
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_E. E. Held, S. P. Gessel, & RB. Walker, "Atoll Soil Types inf Relation to the


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Select target paragraph3