"A Radiological Study of Rongelap Atoll," p. 5 [A37]; AEC
925/23, 17 Jun 55,
Secretariat, Box 1264, MR&A 7-1 Proving Grounds Vol. il, RG 336, DOE Archives.

U.S. Cong., House, 85th Cong., 1st sess., "The Nature of

Radioactive Fallout

and Its Effects on Man," p. 212, 213, 248, 251. [A48]. The statengent

Gordon M.

Dunning does not say whois responsible for the health and safpty of the general
population for consequences of Castle tests conducted at the Pacific

Proving Ground.


"Radioactive Contamination of Certain Areas in the Pacific

an from Nuclear


AEC 125/23, 17 Jun 55. [A34]

Tests," August 1957, McCraw, Box 9, RG 326, DOE Archives. [A558]

"Residual Contamination of Plants, Animals, Soil, and Watér of the Marshall
Islands One Year following Operation Castle Fall-out," USNRDL-494, p.iii, McCraw,

Box 9, Radiological Survey, RG 326, DOE Archives. [A36]

AEC 125/21, 16 May 55, Secretariat, Box 1264, MR&A 7-1] Proving Grounds,
Vol. !, RG 326, DOE Archives [A33]; AEC 125/18, 15 Apr 55, Sectetariat, Box 1264,
MR&A 7-1 Proving Grounds, Vol. Il, RG 326, DOE Archives. [A32
AEC 125/24, 27 Jun 55, Secretariat, Box 1264, MR&A 7-1] Proving Grounds
Vol. HW, RG 326, DOE Archives. [A35]


AEC 125/23. [A34]


AEC 125/26, 17 Oct 55, enclosing K. E. Fields to Delmas

tf. Nucker, deputy

high commissioner, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 5 Oct 54, Secretariat, Box

1264, MR&A 7-1 Proving Grounds Vol. Ill, RG 326, DOE Archives| [A338]

"Radioactive Contamination of Certain Areas in the Pacific Odean from Nuclear
Tests," p. v. [A51]

"Radioactive Contamination of Certain Areas in the Pacific Odean from Nuclear
Tests,” p. v. [A514]
U.S. Cong., House, 85th Cong., 1st sess., "Radioactive Fallqut and Its Effects
on Man," testimony of Cronkite, p. 949. [A48]


Arthur D. Welander, "Radiobiological Studies of the Fish Collécted at Rongelap


"Radioactive Contamination of Certain Areas in the Pacific Odean from Nuclear

& Ailinginae Atolls, July 1957," UWFL-55, 5 Mar 58, McCraw, Box}9, RG 326, DOE
Archives. [A50]

Tests," p. v. [A51]

AEC 125/28, 3 Apr 56, Secretariat, Box 1264, MR&A 7-1 Proving Grounds Vol.
Il, RG 326, DOE Archives. [A55]


John A. Hall to Morse Salisbury, 6 Apr 56, Office of the General Manager

(OGM), Box 5632, Weapons - AEC - DOD Tests of Weapons } RG 326, DOE

Archives. [F33]

Select target paragraph3