United States House and Senate Committees and Staff
The following ts ois: of hey House anc Senate Commmees and stat who
fegula'ly dea’ with Micronesia programs and buagels

Commitee On interior and insular Affairs
U.S Mouse of Representatives
Wass noror OC 20515

{As earule M Farrow deals wtt US Terrntory


msues }


House Appropriations Committee
Subcommittee on Interior and Related
Room. B06 Rayburn House Office Buiicing
Wastwngion. D.C 20515
Crarman Honorable Sidney R Yates
Siat Ms Kathiees Ro Johnson.
Staft Assisian:
Phone (202) 225.3081

te Senate
Wase.agp. OC 20810
Charmagd Honoracie James A McClure
James P Berne

ssues whie Ms Krause handies Trus: Terniory

Crates Boonvable Mortis K Usa!

M4 Jeftre, Farrow Adviso:
Prone (202; 225.9297

House Subcommitiee on Public Lends

Supcomminee Charman John F Seiperiing

Ms Patrciz A Krause
Protessiona' Stat Mempbe-

Room 812 House Annes #1
Wasnringtos DC 20515
Prone (202) 226-7730


Gommittee on Energy end Natural

nor Counse!

Trust Territory Health System Directors
Republic of the Marshall Islands

Rez co’ the Ma‘sha’ Isianas

Pohnpe: State. FSM



Ser-e:z', c' Hea'th Sev-ces
FO Ber 1€

Marsha’ Is'ands 96960

Fede-atec States of Micronesia


Kosrae Stete. FSM

De Ania Sigran
Srate Drecio c° Heal. Services
Kosrae FSi! 963964


GO Eve Pretics
Cre’ Desor ic! Heats Sewices
Decsanmne of Soca’ anc Heat Services

Waters Gowevsnmen' of the Fege-alez States o*
Kore Ponape 9ES<1

Yar State FS¥
Ms Mat, Fig? Derecto:
Siate ea” Se'w.tes

Br. 14&

Yar FS ge6s<c3
Truk State


D- Ge-sanm Aten

Amer Des. Oesct: ¢' Heat Sewices

tor Troe Steve


Mr Dewi Rodriguez. Directo:
Depanmeti of Heanh anc Soz.a' Se-vices

Dr Avens Dawe
State Directo’ of Hea'th Services

Ponnpe State. FSW 96961
Repubiic of Belau
D: Masao Kumanga

Burea. of Health Sewces
MacDonalc Memoria: Hospita’
Koro: Bela. 96940
Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas

Dr Jose Villagonez

Ovrecto: of Public Heath anc Env ronmental
D: Torres Hosa 2

1X office of the US Public Heatn
mn Francisco has yuSt ssvec a

Health Serfices Directory fo: al! the territories

that notes

8! majo’ faciites services and peri be updatec every 6 months

Copies arefevaiadle by writing to D: Sherigan
Weinsie:n Regona! Heatt: Aonm::strato". US
Public Heath Senice. 50 Unites Nations Piaza
San Francico. CA 94102 }

Sa par CNM: $6957


Micronesia Government Leaders
Trus: Territory Government
Motlad+ Jane: Nile,
Hee> CoT™ ss:07€°
Trius’ Tener, of the Pactic tsianas
Saca- CNW 96O57
Pnaore 075-670-9273
Repubic of the Marshall islands
Worc2b€ AMale Nada
Pres =e>"
Rez .t ic‘ the Macshz Is anes
Mz wc Masha Isanis SE96°

Feoe-atez States of Micronesia —

(Cemorsec of Siate: of Koscae Potinpe


Heontere Yosiac Neeayanme

Fees s27°
Fese-ae> States o' Mircones.é

Werte Frionze
Eeste* Cac ve tg anes SERS"
Prove ins OF 160-€9° Pon- Pe #2zé
Honsade Jon~ Mange'e

Give 12 Of Yar

Corte ‘Yar
Weeste’s Cacorne Is.anas S€947
wt Grw Hearty Tare.

Hons-ade E-nat Aten

Goverso of Trus

Commonwéattof the Northern Mariang

Moe~.. Truk

Easte’s Caroine is‘anct 96542
Lt Ge. Robe“ Mor:

Honsare Fes. Moses
Geoveno of Fotape
Kore Ponpe

Easiess Caroline iscanas S63-*

int Op 167-65! Poripe #eat

tL1 Gow Jonnny P Dawz

Monoradie Yoswe Geo-oe
Govens: of Kos'at

Kosat Eastess Caraéne tsete SS5e4
Li Go. Meset Matawe.ns

Republic of Belau

Honoravie Lazarus Sa’
Pres cen’
Res cs : of Beiae
Koro’ Betzn
Wester Ca‘oune isiancs 96957
Phone Int Op 169-65" Bez. #f23

Vice Pres.gen: Thoma: Rene ngesas

Saipas CNP: 96950

Prone 0°17
it Gov. Pe@-c A Tenors

Fiearaoc J Borca:-:
Governc’ o'-Guas.
Aganz Guar 96270
Prone 031-971-472-B92°
Lt Go. Eow-c D Reyes
Americar Simoa


Govesne’ of
Page Pas:

Bnescan Samise
[American Satine SE79>

Lt Go. Er

Brune >

Phone 0°47


Select target paragraph3