Honolulu office to coordinate the developmentof plans to carry of this work. In the
meantime, she suggests operating the program under the efisting DOE/DOI
agreement under the level of funding in the continuing resolution”
26 Oct 90

Harry Brown writes to Oscar de Brum of the RMI, to pravide consolidated
recommendations as to how the RMI might treat the soil of islands to mitigate the

uptake of cesium’” into food crops. The DOE suggests initial application of 1200
pounds per acre of potassium chloride.

Islands that might be

treatment are: Eneu; Bikini; the six planted northern islands at E

replanted and resettled; Rongelap; and Arbor.©”

c@nsidered for this

tak; Enjebi, if

6 Nov 90

The DOI approves the extension of the agreement dealing with the operation
of the Enewetak food and agricultural maintenance program urgil the DOI can
determine if it should revise the agreement. The DO! authorizes Funding for DOE
through 31 December.**

Select target paragraph3