and medical condition of the Rongelapese. According to Anjain, settions of the COFA
designed to deal with the Rongelap situation are not working and Dr. Kohn’s
Rongelap reassessment project recommendations contradict provisions of the COFA.

Anjain charges that the U.S. uses a radiation double standard injthe application of
radiation guidelines; that DOE and AEC have subordinated al§ Marshall Islands
medical and environmental programs to defense readiness status for the resumption
of weaponstesting (Safeguard "C"); that the DOEis creating unnebe:
barriers to
medical records; and that the DOE’s definition of habitability] is distorted and
7 May 90

Harry Brown of NVreissues his invitation to David Weimanjand the Rongelap
leadership to visit BNL and LLNL to see first-hand how the scientific process works.
He states that the people of Bikini and Enewetak found this helpfuj in their decisionmaking process.°7

11 May 90



The RongelapAtoll local government directs H&N to answeg whetherthey are
or ever were under contract to the DOE for any aspect of Safeguard °C."

18 May 90


Responding to Under Secretary Tuck's request for a review
status and habitability of Rongelap, Frank Press, chairman of the N
NRC will consider organizing such a study and will develop and submit to the DOE
a formal proposal for performance of the study.‘
20 May 90


The Rongelap Atoll local government council passes a resolu§ion that the DOE
and its contractors, with the exception of the BNL Marshall Islands Medical program,
are denied access until the DOE provides the council with a fil and complete
accounting of the relationship to and management of the
E/DP program
"Safeguard C," which requires the U.S. to maintain the ability to resime atmospheric
nuclear testing.°*
8 Jun 90

DOE Secretary Watkins notifies House Subcommittee Chai
he is transferring the management of DOE’s Rongelap activities fr¢m DP to a new
office of health under the assistant secretary for environment, safety and health.°”
J. H. Dryden, director of PASO, notifies Stella Guerra, DOI afsistant secretary

for territorial and international affairs, that the DOE is planning to fnitiate action to

phase out the operations of the field office at Enewetak. This program is funded on
an interagency agreement between the DOE and the DO!.*”
2 Jul 90


Stella Guerra of DOI notifies Harry Brown that she believes that Congress will
appropriate funding to continue the program at Enewetak.°”

Select target paragraph3