21 Nov 89

Del. Ron de Lugo of the House Subcommittee on Insular and International

Insular Affairs, commends Secretary of Energy Watkins for making

commitment to

take a "fresh look" at the issue of the radiation contamination at th Marshall Islands
and the people of Rongelap Atoll.
De Lugo requests the DOE to address in the promised additional review the
extent of information disclosed to the Rongelapese and Cong
on Rongelap
radiation, safety, and health issues and whether radiological surveys and a cleanup
were conducted on the atoll.°*
7 Dec 89

The RMI requests assistance from the DNA in completing thealcleanup of Runit
Island at Enewetak Atoll.°””
Acting RMI President Kunio Lemari asks for Admiral Huntington Hardisty’s
assistance in arranging for the DNA to complete cleanup of Runit Isldnd. He requests
that the plutonium mining plant being used at Johnston Atoll to
dxtract plutonium

from soil be used at Runit once cleanup is completed on Johnston Afoll. This request

is passed on to the American embassy in Majuro.°”

8 Dec 89


The DOE/PASO and DOI sign an informal agreement
oftlining financial
arrangements and program management under which the DOE|will, on a cost
reimbursable basis, support certain DO! programs in the Marshall lands.”

28 Dec 89


RMI Sen. Jeton Anjain testifies before the DOE Secretariq! Panel for the
Evaluation of Epidemiologic Research Activities (SPEERA).
He relays current
Rongelapese concerns and submits recommendations based on th¢ interim report.
He recommendsthat the Rongelap people have access to the Rong@lap medical and
related records; that the phase 2 comprehensive and independent dy of Rongelap
mandated under the COFAbe initiated; and that the DOE should
conduct a study to
determine the feasibility of transferring medical funds to a hospitalfin the Marshall
Islands. He alleges that because the DOE weaponsplayed a pag in radiological
contamination, DP cannot be objective in the management of the Marshall Islands

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