


-skinginne Atoll; 10 March 1954


Sifo Island:

covered with addition:l ciunvas,


«A thirty foot s-ilirg schooner was moved to a safe wmchor-

age in the lea of Sniustekku Island, The boat was onshored in a sandy spot
in the event that it snould sink, 3e.aching was impracticable due to the
limited time avcilcble.


Enibuk Islend:


30konikairu Islond:


Native property secured, intonsity levels taken,

Uninhabitated - intensity levels t-ken,

Navigetion md cencrel information:
as’ Boneclep.f£toll:

(1) Sntrance
east Pass, ‘est Poss
oeenuse soundings are
good, The <m-ll Soat
to see ond sppecrs to

can be made quite readily through South Pass and lorth
shows quite plainly, however, no passage was attempted
not -desuate, Uovigationcl fixes, using tongonts wer
Pass. e@ in the Northwost part of the atoll is difficult
be very danzerous when heavy swells are running.

(2) Lendinzs can bs readily made on all islands by motor whaleboat.
On most of the islends the beach gradisnt was quite steep, pernitting exrsy
beaching of boats. 2. sharp lookout should be mainteairfod at all times for
coral heads end dark, yellow, or dark green, witer should be avoided,

Bikar toll:


(1) Bikar Island Fassaze is very difficult to find and prssaze
through the lazoon is difficult even for ea small boat. A lending was
mode with very little difficulty in the lee of Bikar Island at low tide,
It was found rdvisable to put the tow of the boat agrzinst the reef, which
risss steeply 2t low tidz,

end 1-t the cuarty wade cshorc.

only Kieo dsep atv this p-riod of the tide.
be courefully wortched,

~ emo



(a) WUative property, left by people who were visiting from
Rongelap Isl-nd, was protectod against the weather. <All clothing, tools,
ete, were placed inside a canvas shelter on top of drisd palm fronds, and

The water is

Bacikwasn from the reef should

Select target paragraph3