

Houses were closed up aginst we~tner and property left

in the weather, that could be spoiled, wis moved inside,


(c) “later catchments were provided for livestock by placing
old pens, buckets ad large clom shells under eaves of houses.

levels teken,.


Six dogs were killed to protect livestock,


411 livestock apperred to be in good condition,


“later and soil serplas were obtained ond intensity

(2) Aon Island:

(2) Uninhebitated - intensity levels taken.

Bikcr toll; 9 Morch 1954

(1) Bikar Island:



(2) Uninhabitated - intensity lovels taken,

Ronserik .toll; 10 0 -nreh 1954

(1) Bnivetek Islond:
(e) cir Force personnel were landed slong with « ship's
working party.
Spoiled meat ond other consumables were dumped in the sea,
Equipment was tesved «nd sseurcd against the weather as directed by “ir
Force personnel,

(b) Tater a:@ soil semples were obtained and intunsity

levels token.

(2) The islands listed in sub-pzragrcph (5) through (5) are une
intensity levels, only, worse token,

(3) Rongerik Island.
(4) Mortlock Island,

Letodack Island.


3ock Islend.



Select target paragraph3