


DOESs3:VLN Svar wo
§ fear 1954


9, “omen and chilcren ware billeted in the torpedo room ond the
man provided temporary shelter under a canvas tarpaulin rizzed on the
Ol level betvsen tha stacks. Cots were av2ileble as seats in both



ter officer's head and washroom,

a short dis-

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: Herd ch ede

vancé from the torpedo room was designzted for use by the women and
The men had the use of tha after crawts héad end washroom,
The separation of the Marshallese was mandatory due to tha Limited
space availasle in the torpado room. A continuous 24 hour sentry
watch, all petty officers, was set at both locations to insure privacy
end to assist in ony requests made by the Marshallese,
All childran were provided milk shortly efter de-contm ination,
Marshallese went through the regular mess line for meals end had
seme ration as the crew. The maat course was the least popular,
majority of the party asked for more soup, bread and vegetables,
soup was most in demand, Ice cream wes the -enaturnl favorite of
whe children,


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11. The contaminated clothing was washed in the
laundry with
2 strong soap solution, drisd, pressed and returned within four hours
ter the party embarked,

Sleeping escommodations, although crowiec, were considered adequate,

Twelve (12) cots and two (2) streteners were set up in the torpedo room


and the remaining dack soaca covered with kanok life jackets, The men
sleot on the fantail under the deck avming, Life jackets proved to be
comfortable pallets end ar@a excellent insulaticn against worn or dom
Gsexs, With the cbeva arrinzements each person had 2 sleaping space.

onm ander reported that ne thought he saw soma people

(Rongelap Atoll).

A party, includi 1g John ond Oscar

the inter rater,
landed on this island at 031245¢@,

lsioend was not inhabite?


Six (6) sensles of water taken from wells on Rongelap have been

formirded in compliance with reference (b).

wells are indicated in enclosure (3).

Approximate locations of

rrr vig

a thorough
serch was mode but no Marshalles3 were locxitec, The Magistrate insure
tha search party that he was certain that there were no persons thera
since a boat was not nearby, Wonitor team readings indicated an average
of 2,02 Roentgens, with a maximum reading of 3,55 Roentzons, Honitor
teen statistics are included in enclosure (2).
* was lucky that this

Select target paragraph3