
—_ e

b. Maka boat entry into windward part of lagoon wherever possibl:.
This permits boats to run down wind, speeding the operation and h2lping to



Mgt pe

k2ep instruments dry.

c. Maintain radio communication with boats.
In this respect, this
command used SCR 536 which were the only battery typ2 radios available



Communications were fair. It is recommended that an SCR 608 or simiilar
small battery radio with at Least a thirty mile range be used if possibie.
It was found advisabl2 to orovide the boats with overlays of the |

atolls showing magnetic compass courses between islands and passes.
2. Provide boats with food, water, binoculars and rifles.
for protection against sharks in case a man falls over board.

The last

f. Use stern anchor when beaching to prevent broaching. Lo not let
beat remain on beach, but haul out and await return of party.

Beach in the lee of island whenever possible.


It was found impossible to cover all of the islands in 2ach ztoll in

tne time allo tted. Roum weathsr and long boat runs between islands in a~
tolls slowed up operations.
Task Group 7.1 scientific personnel designated

tn2 islands they desired to survey and landings ware made on all so desienated.
1. “erking parties were Keot firmly in hand.
Each working party «as
recuired to remain in sight of a commissioned officer and Mr. Wiles. As
far as could be determined, no native property was molested or pilfered.
It is estimated that the maximum accumulative dosage received br any
cone person in the parti2s was 2.5R.
Film badges, worn by all perscanel ashors,
or in th2 boats, have been forwarded to the U.S.S. BAIRCKO for developing.

/s/J. C. SLIOT
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