
permanent proving Ground facilities with Corps of Engineers!
assistance in construction of facilities on Eniwetok Island,
while the Armed Forces assist in the over-all operation by provision of sea and air lift and by the issuance or loan of
materials and equipment available from Military stocks.
Target Date for Shots

A target date for the first shot has been established

for early March 1951, with subsequent shots at two-week intervals.
These dates are based on SANDSTONE experience and a consideration
of local meteorological conditions,


JTF-3 and its

Task Groups are planned to be fully operational at Eniwetok by
February 1,


Advanced elements will be staged forward after

appropriate training in the United States.

The Army Engineers

Construction Unit is the earliest unit required,
place shortly after January 1,

and should be in


Radiological Safety
le, Radiological safety will be a command responsibility at
all levels,

The Task Force Commander will hold each Task Group

Commander responsible Yor the radiological safety of his Task
Group in accordance with provisions of Task Foree instructions,
Assisting the Task Force Commander will be a HRadiclogical safety

under J-3 of his staff,

This section will inform the

Commander as to radiological hazards, will prepare radiological
safety regulations and instructions and will coordinate areas of
responsibility for radiological safety among the Task Groups.

Each Task Group will have a Radiological Safety Unit.

The Commander of the Scientific Task Group (Dr.


Willi have the responsibility for radiological safety on all
islands except Japtain,


and Eniwetok until relieved of

that responsibility by the Task Force Commander.

De Se

Select target paragraph3