WARDTACK in March 1958 until its conclusion on 18 August 1958.
The sampling aircraft flew 2,0 sampling missions and logged

flying hours.

The effects aircraft flew 47 successful missions

on 18 shots and logged 347 flying hours.

The Asrial Photography Ele-

ment flew 32 missions on certain specified shots and logged 199


ing hours in support of both documentary and technical photography

The Weather Reconnaissance Element flew 33h flights

and logged 3,696

flying hours obtaining weather information over an

area that stretched from the Territory of Hawaii to a point west of
Guam and covered well over 10,000,000 square miles, in the Central

Pacific. In addition to the flying activities listed above, during this
operational phase the Task Group operated weather reporting and communications

stations at eight (8) island sites remote from the testing location.
While the operational phase was still in progress, some elements
completed their projects and rolled up their personnel and equipment and

to their home station.

First of these was the Navy Effects

Element which completed its scheduled participation on the ELDER shot on
28 June.

They were followed shortly by the Air Force Effects Element

which completed their mission on the POPLAR Event on 12 July.
When on 27 July it was officially announced that PINON, the open
shot for the United Nation Observers and news personnel, had been can=

celled there were only two (2) very small shots left to be fired at
Eniwetok and the two (2) high altitude missile shots te be fired at
Johnston Island.

At this time, weather reporting requirements were

decreased in the Eniwetok Proving Ground and immediate rcll-up of Weather



Select target paragraph3