

Wing for courts-martial jurisdiction, administration of punishient under
Article 15, and certain board actions.

This attachment was made pursuant

toa request from Joint Task Force SEVEN to Pacific Air Forces.

On 10 June

1958 the Commander 686th Air Base Wing by General Order 12 redelegated
authority to Commander Task Group 7.4 to convene Summary Courts-Martial and

administer punishment under Article 15, UCMJ (Figure 7).

Prior to the

attachment by Pacific Air Forces the Commander Task Group 7.) was authorized
to exercise special and summary court-martial jurisdiction and to administer
punishment under Article 15, UCMJ over personnel assigned or attached to Task

Group 7.4 pursuant to the authority contained in AFOOP Bood Message 51115,-11
October 1957 as amended, Task Group 7.4 Operations Order 1-58 and Article 2h,


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