


- Security

During Operation HARDTACK, only two security violations were reported
by Task Group 7.4 elements.

These involved inadequate safe security in

which no compromise of classified matter was concerned.

This record was

achieved primarily through the cooperation of all Task Group 7.4 agencies
ja requiring all personnel to familiarize themselves thoroughly with Air
Force, Joint Task Force SEVEN and Task Group directives regarding proper
security discipline.
During the planning stages of the Operation, necessary Task Croup

Security Regulations were published and distributed for the purpose of
providing guidance to all participants prior to their departure for the EPG.

Additional guidance in the form cof 50P's, letters and supplements to
directives was designed to insure that necessary security information was

available to each echelon.

The security criteria were forwarded to the Task

Group elements sixty days prior to the commencemet of the operational

The Air Police Section of the Test Base Unit was responsible for the
badging of all Task Group personnel.

During the operational period, 1017

permanent Operation HARDTACK badges were issued to Task Group personnel.
1137 temporary badges were also issued for those personnel requiring infrequent access to controlled areas.


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