
wheh the Unit Manning Documents were written, insufficient officer space

allocations were available, but requisitions remained valid as originally

This resulted in assignment of some officers on an overage

basis but no major problems arose as a result of such assignments.
Concurrent with finalization of airmen manning requirements in May 1957,
a requisition was submitted, listing skills required and desired in-place

This included those 4950th positions which are manned only during

an overseas test period (i.e. MCU, Liaison Supply, etc.).

For the most part,

personnel requested were in place per established schedule.
During the course of the Task Group 7.) Logistics Conference in

October 1957, brief mention was made of the probable future need for placing
levies upon units participating in Operation HARDTACK forpersonnel to augment the field maintenance activities, and to support supply rollup operations.
Such levies would only be for people who could not be provided from within

Task Group 7.4 resources.
In December 1957, a review of maintenance man hour requirements, as
submitted by each element in Task Group 7.) revealed that approximately
162 specialists in various maintenance areas would be needed in the EGP

over and above those which could be provided from within the 950th.


the basis of these requirements, levies were placed on Headquarters MATS,
CINCSAC, AFSWC and other agencies, for personnel to report to the Eniwetok
Proving Grounds 1 March 1958.

Some difficulty was encountered in implemen-

tation of this program, and it is believed that earlier identification of
maintenance personnel requirements would be desirable in future test planning.
Personnel for the supply roll-up were procured in the same manner as

were the maintenance specialists, reporting 1 July 1958.



Select target paragraph3